Friday, February 28, 2014

Smith – Cristal Skull EC Blog

Relationship Are More Important! 
In my opinion, The Kingdom of The Cristal Skull did not come close to honoring the remarkable Indiana Jones Trilogy. It had its moments because of the new actor Shia Labeouf staring as Indiana’s son, however, there was less character development, and the concept of the Cristal Skull was much harder to fathom. Harrison Ford is older in this sequel, yet to his defense he is still able to impress his successor Mutt Williams who asks, “You’re a teacher?” and Indiana responds, “Part time.” The first scene that shows Indiana’s abilities is in the graveyard. It shows that his thirst for adventure and danger is still apparent even when older. I find that when trying to teach his son how to handle his anger and attitude towards life he turned in to the professor and was able to give good advice. He complete disregards this advice when he realizes that he is his son. This shed a new light on the father and how they have different opinions when the relationship changes.
We do get some character development that was explained by Jeffery Boam when he stated, “I could bring an added dimension to the Indy character and basically get inside him and let the audience find out how Indiana Jones becomes Indiana Jones… By the time it is over, Indiana Jones won’t have many secrets left” (Pfeiffer 176). The main theme that was passed on in this film is the atonement with the father. At first the relationship between Indiana Jones and his son is one of friendship because of the lack of knowledge on Indiana Jones’s part. This film flips the father son relationship; Indiana has turned into a version of his father after The Last Crusade.
While watching this movie I was astounded at the advancement in technology and effects. The concept of the movie was so scientific and also alien in a way. When trying to understand what the prize was, it was difficult. In the past three movies, Indiana has gone after an object. Yes, the skull is an object, however, the true artifact is the knowledge wanted. These crystal skull beings have infinite knowledge. The Indiana movies have progressively gotten more and more spiritual. This quest was more about people for Indiana then anything else. Indiana was able to find Marion Ravenwood and helps to save his friend Professor Oxley. This quest was fulfilled when he was able to get out of the crumbling fortress of the Crystal Skulls. Watching the (with lack of a better word) flying saucer rise up from the crumbling mess, Indiana is not fazed at all. All he was searching for was a relationship with his son and Marion. He has finally made it to the indentured knight phase. 

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