Friday, February 21, 2014

Gaspari Crystal Skull

In the newest edition of the Indiana Jones franchise we see a lot of repetition of themes that are used in the original trilogy. The film starts off with a dangerous confrontation, Indy is introduced into the film with images of his shadow and the back of his head and hat. On top of this we have totalitarian Russian villains not unlike the Nazi's of Last Crusade and Indiana is betrayed by someone he thinks is on his side.

       These are some interesting similarities, but surprisingly there are many many more. The character development follows an almost exact iconic replica of some of the scenes in movies past. Harrison Ford's character is basically just going through the steps of re-acting parts of the past movie. The scene when they take the plane to Peru, Indy does his classic move of ignoring whoever he's flying with by pulling his hat down over his face and falling asleep. We also see the recurring theme of atonement with the father utilized by Indy's staring at a picture of his father on the desk, and the introduction of Mud (Shia Lebeauf) who is in my opinion, not a good successor as a Jones. Jones unknowingly adventures with his son until he meets with mad Dr. Oxley and his past fling Mary. It is only when they are in fatal danger that he Indy is told that Mud is his son, Henry Jones III.

From this point on the movie differs vastly from the other trilogy in the past, but it is very unrealistic and ridiculous. I don't really think that it is a good representation of the Indiana Jones franchise.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your blog, themes are re-occurring throughout the 4th and final movie of this installment. Indiana is caught back in some of the same situations he has endured which could be aiming to shed light that maybe Indiana hasn't changed that much at all. There could be an underlining message about why he continues to end up in these situations and to be honest I think jones understand this and is looking to fix the problem. As stated int this blog Indiana showed some signs of being feed up with his situation by falling asleep and ignoring his company.
    I also agree the movie is ridiculous and was a huge stretch to try and make more money and keep the franchise alive. I believe the series should of ended with the "Last Crusade" this movie came off as a bit of a reach and pointless for any other reason.
